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Live Event Painting


Live Painting Overview

There is no better way to make your special day even more unique than having a live event painter capture it all! A painting created at your wedding, gala, birthday party, etc. will be a gift you can treasure and share with others for years to come.


Prior to the big day Katie will discuss with you (over the phone, in person, through email, etc.) your preferences. You will be able to share the moment you would like captured and any other details you would like in the painting.


On the day of the event, Katie will arrive several hours early to begin working on the painting. During this time she will be setting up and working on painting the event background.


Typically paintings are taken back to Katie's studio to finish up and are ready 4-6 weeks after the event. Paintings that are to be finished at the event have a more fluid/abstract appearance. Prices vary based on painting size, number of paintings and travel. 


If you are interested, email Katie or fill out a contact form here.

Ashlee and Jeremy Wedding.jpg

Already had the part/event or got married? No problem! You can send in a picture you would like recreated in painting form and Katie will create a special piece of art that you will never forget.

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